New Moon is the continuing story of Bella Swan's unusual life in Forks, Washington. When her vampire boyfriend, Edward, suddenly leaves, Bella is heartbroken in a way only a teenager can be, leaving time on her hands to develop a friendship with Jacob Black, another boy with a strange family background. Meyer does a good job portraying the melodrama of teenage life and love in New Moon –- it often made me roll my eyes in recognition of my own thoughts as a teenager. She has keen insight into the mind of teenage girls and conveys well the tension between friendship and romance Bella and Jacob struggle with. It makes for a story most readers will relate to, but is more entertaining and intriguing than real life, given the presence of mythical creatures.
Although the middle section is a little slow, the book still manages to hook its readers and rewards them when the adventure begins to pick up halfway through. Some of the plots points are predictable, however, and certain things that are mysterious to the characters, particularly Bella, were obvious to me.
New Moon is nevertheless a fitting continuation of the Twilight saga, endearing its readers to its characters even more, and leaving plenty of unanswered questions for the following novels.
Although the middle section is a little slow, the book still manages to hook its readers and rewards them when the adventure begins to pick up halfway through. Some of the plots points are predictable, however, and certain things that are mysterious to the characters, particularly Bella, were obvious to me.
New Moon is nevertheless a fitting continuation of the Twilight saga, endearing its readers to its characters even more, and leaving plenty of unanswered questions for the following novels.
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