
Kids Song - The Green Grass Grows All Around

And The Green Grass Grows All Around, also known as The Green Grass Grew All Around is a song that was first published in 1912, with words by William Jerome and melody by Harry Von Tilzer. Today it is a popular children's song, and a good example of a cumulative song. There are many variations of phrasing in the lyrics. Most versions tell a similar story of a “pretty” hole in the middle of ground, and of all the surroundings. It need not be a hole in the ground. One such version by The Singing Kettle contains the lyrics "There was a tree, a beautiful tree, The beautiful-est tree you ever did see". This version is included on their CD Singalong Songs from Scotland, produced in 2003 for Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.

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The Green Grass Grows All Around

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